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Wet Milling Attritor Continuous Type

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MIKRONS Continuous attritors are best suited for the continuous production and fast grinding of large quantities of material. They are designed to deliver hours of low-cost, maintenance-free operation. 

Continuous attritors come in two basic types, "Slow Speed" and "High Speed" series. The "slow speed series" runs at lower RPMs and generally uses a larger grinding media of 5mm - 10mm diameter. The "High Speed" series runs at higher RPMs and utilizes smaller media of 1mm - 3mm.

Optional Items

  • Alumina-lined grinding tank
  • Rubber-lined grinding tank
  • Tungsten carbide sleeved agitator arms
  • Zirconium oxide sleeved agitator arms
  • Polyurethane sleeved agitator arms
  • Stainless steel arms 

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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